31 oct
Trade Relations between China and Peru
Talk for the National University of San Marcos, Lima, Peru.
13 sept
Global Trade Trends: What African Youth Need to Know for 2050
At the summit, I'll be presenting on "Global Trade Trends: What African Youth Need to Know for 2050", addressing topics such as digital...
22 may
Digital transformation in Customs
La semana pasada participé virtualmente como panelista en el conversatorio "Desafíos en el Comercio Exterior Peruano: Infraestructura y...
20 oct 2023
Geneva Graduate Institute- Talk for GISA Professional Development Committee
Welcome event organized by the GISA Professional Development Committee to first years students from the Graduate Institute.
26 sept 2023
Seminario Internacional sobre Tributos y Aduanas 2023
Estimada red, tengo el agrado de invitarlos al Seminario Internacional sobre Tributos y Aduanas 2023, organizado por la Universidad...
22 may 2023
Interview with "Global Trade Observer" about my trade journey and digitalization in developing countries
Post by Global Trade Observer. Interview part of "Fireside Conversation with Women in Trade” Watch the complete video...
11 oct 2022
Entrevista con "Movant Connection" acerca de los desafíos y oportunidades en América Latina
En este espacio, conversé acerca de las oportunidades de integración con el Asia-Pacífico, las cadenas globales de valor y el uso del...
2 sept 2022
Sanmarquinos sin Fronteras-Evento Vocacional
Organizado por Juntos Podemos FCA de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Sigamos abriendo puertas a más estudiantes y egresados...
21 jul 2022
Interview about my personal trade story with "She Trader"
Extracted from: https://shetraderin.wordpress.com/2022/07/02/navigating-the-trade-ecosystem-in-peru-with-ms-andrea-bulnes-acevedo/ ...